Why Epsilon Talent

Advantages for recruiters

Save Time

Recruiter just uploads a resume/CV file and Epsilon Talent automatically ranks the candidate.

Less procedures

Approval workflow for a job opening so different actors can provide required qualifications, budget information and approve or reject it.

All info in one place

Recruiter can view in one place all activity around the candidate, such as events, evaluation, and emails.

Improved Process Management

With standardization, recruiter can achieve significantly improved recruitment process management.

Multiple Criteria Search

Recruiters can search with multiple criteria such as job description, occupation, education degrees, fields of study, work experience range per occupation, position level, skills.

Recommendations included

Recruiters can include resumes by recommendation in the same process.

Easy decision-making

Easy visual decision-making by presenting all candidates for a job opening in “magic quadrant” chart.

Avoid duplications

One applicant for different openings? Epsilon Talent unifies the applicant and connects the applications to job openings accordingly with separate ranking.

Visual aid

Visual representation among job opening budget, candidate expectations, and job offers for direct comprehension.

Easy Proposals

Automatic decision making for a job offer with a suitable package renumeration (salary, bonus, and benefits).

Custom Access

Each recruiter has access to his/her own records. Administrator can access all records.

A single interface

No more multiple systems for the recruiters’ work such as mail app, excel files, databases, file storage, and paper files.

Advantages for candidates

Seamless redirection from Career page of a company’s website to Epsilon Talent Career Site.

Epsilon Talent Career Site shows job openings in a clear view with summary and notification if job opening is closing soon.

Candidates can make a flexible search and when they find the preferred one, they can apply providing the resume/CV file.

Advantages for interviewers and hiring managers

The hiring manager can create a job opening, specify the qualifications, be part of the approval workflow and the hiring process.

Epsilon Talent can inform Interviewers with interview schedule and request their feedback afterwards.

Interviewer can complete the candidate evaluation on hard and soft skills and the overall score using just stars.

Advantages for the company

Epsilon Talent is a holistic solution for all users: recruiters, HR managers, hiring managers, evaluators, interviewers.

Recruitment costs can be significantly reduced.

Establishment of an electronic communication channel from HR to the final candidate.

Strengthening of employer branding as the company presents itself modern, promoting extroversion, transparency and meritocracy.

All advantages of a SaaS hosted solution on Microsoft Azure: no need to have server, no installation, no update with new versions, no backup copies, no security patch updates.

Seamless connection with Epsilon HRM products.

Data security.

Advantages for candidates

Seamless redirection from Career page of a company’s website to Epsilon Talent Career Site.

Epsilon Talent Career Site shows job openings in a clear view with summary and notification if job opening is closing soon.

Candidates can make a flexible search and when they find the preferred one, they can apply providing the resume/CV file.

Advantages for interviewers and hiring managers

The hiring manager can create a job opening, specify the qualifications, be part of the approval workflow and the hiring process.

Epsilon Talent can inform Interviewers with interview schedule and request their feedback afterwards.

Interviewer can complete the candidate evaluation on hard and soft skills and the overall score using just stars.

Advantages for the company

Epsilon Talent is a holistic solution for all users: recruiters, HR managers, hiring managers, evaluators, interviewers.

Recruitment costs can be significantly reduced.

Establishment of an electronic communication channel from HR to the final candidate.

Strengthening of employer branding as the company presents itself modern, promoting extroversion, transparency and meritocracy.

All advantages of a SaaS hosted solution on Microsoft Azure: no need to have server, no installation, no update with new versions, no backup copies, no security patch updates.

Seamless connection with Epsilon HRM products.

Data security.

Important figures

Hiring intentions increased for Q3 2023 in Greece
+ 1 %
Both employees and candidates are constantly looking for work, in Greece
1 %
Both employees and candidates are constantly looking for work, aboard
1 %
  • Hiring intentions increased +16% for Q3 2023 in Greece. The most competitive industry is Transportation & Supply Chain with 45% growth over Q2. The employment prospects in the Communication sector are at +45% and in Information Technology at +39%. The most competitive region in Greece is the Greater Region of Attica with 8% increase compared to Q2. (https://www.manpowergroup.gr/ereyna-ton-prooptikon-apascholisis-gia-to-3o-trimino-2023/ )
  • Increase of people looking for work: Both employees and candidates are constantly looking for work, many of them stating that they are looking for work, mainly in Greece (68%) but also abroad (15%). This finding confirms the intense turnover observed since the pandemic and highlights the rise of “quitfluencers” or the “Great Resignation”. (Η Απασχολησιμότητα στην Ελλάδα το 2022 – Adecco Greece )